• LinkedIn Group from Fechner Day 2017

    Sophia Arndt, a doctoral candidate at Galway University, created a Fechner Day group on LinkedIn. She would like to invite those interested in psychophysics to join. The group address is: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13558958    

  • Robert Teghtsoonian * 04.02.1932 – †01.07.2017

    Robert (Bob) Teghtsoonian was not only a founding member of the International Society for Psychophysics. From the very beginning, his continuous and lively engagement in the progress of the Society was outstanding: No one else had a stronger formative influen ce on the ISP. It was one of his major concerns to encourage young…

  • In memoriam: Ragnar Steingrimsson

    Ragnar Steingrimsson, UCI IMBS associate project scientist, dies at 50 Ragnar Steingrimsson, associate project scientist in the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences at University of California at Irvine, passed away in his sleep on May 22. He was 50. Steingrimsson received his Ph.D. in cognitive sciences from UCI in 2002 and went on to…

  • Photos from Fechner Day 2016

    Group photos from Fechner Day 2016

  • Fechner Day 2017

    Fechner Day 2017

    The 33rd annual meeting of the international society for Psychophysics was held in Fukuoka, Japan, 22-26 October 2017. See more information at the official website.