
  • Yuko Yamashita continues to encourage us

    Author: Dr. Yoshitaka Nakajima (Fukuoka, Aug. 15th, 2023) Almost one thousand days have passed since our colleague, Yuko Yamashitaʼs, passing. On the one hundredth day since Yukoʼs farewell, in April, 2021, her family, relatives, friends, and coworkers met in a Buddhist ceremony held in a quiet temple in Fukuoka. This intended to bring our…

  • Yuko Yamashita Memorial Award: Honoring Excellence in Young Researchers

    The Yuko Yamashita Memorial Award for Best Poster Presentation by a Young Researcher honors the legacy of Dr. Yuko Yamashita, who devoted her career to nurturing young talent in research. This award is given at the Fechner Day conference, organized by the International Society for Psychophysics (ISP). Dr. Yamashita, a respected Associate Professor at…

  • Fechner Day 2024: 40th International Society for Psychophysics Meeting at IIT Kanpur, India – Register Now

    Fechner Day 2024: 40th International Society for Psychophysics Meeting at IIT Kanpur, India – Register Now

    The 40th International Society for Psychophysics meeting, Fechner Day 2024, is scheduled at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, from October 7-9, 2024. Abstract submissions are now open until June 1st. Early bird registration is available until May 19th. For further information, please visit the official Fechner Day website.

  • ISP travel grant for Fechner Day 2023

    ISP travel grant for Fechner Day 2023

    The International Society for Psychophysics (ISP) also encourages undergraduate, masters or doctoral students to present their work at Fechner Day 2023 (Assisi, Italy). To alleviate the financial burden of participating, these students may apply for an ‘ISP travel grant’ to attend the conference. These grants amount to: Students interested in the grant should apply…

  • Fechner Day 2023

    Fechner Day 2023

    The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation and its Research Institute for Neuroscience, Education and Didactic (RINED) are organizing the 39th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics in Assisi, Italy, 10-14, September, 2023. Important dates:– Abstract Submission: 1st June, 2023 (Extended)– Early Bird Registration: 19th May, 2023– Late Registration: 30th June, 2023 For further details,…

  • Fechner Day 2022

    Fechner Day 2022

    Fechner Day 2022 — 38th Annual meeting of the international society for psychophysics was successfully held in Lund August 23 – 26, 2022!

  • Robert Teghtsoonian, im memoriam

    Martha Teghtsoonian Robert Teghtsoonian (1932-2017) was born in Toronto, Canada, where his parents had emigrated from Armenia in the wake of the Armenian genocide and the First World War.1 Bob (as everyone called him) earned his bachelor’s degree and his master’s in psychology from the University of Toronto, his Ph. D. in the Department of…

  • Eugene Galanter (Oct. 27, 1924 – Nov. 9, 2016)

    Imagine Gene Galanter in military uniform atop a hill. He is looking at the vast expanse of human behavior unfolding below him. The behaviors range from gallantry, Eugene himself received the French Legion d’Honeur, to self preservation. Perhaps his WWII experiences shaped the keen perception of human behavior he used to stimulate and drive…

  • Fechner Day 2021

    The International Society for Psychophysics held its annual meeting on October 19-23, 2021 online. Further information, please visit the Fechner Day 2021 website: Cheers, Fechner Day 2021 Organizing Committee

  • Open and Transparent Science

    OpenScienceSurvey Appeal for views on the pros and cons of Open Science. Completion of a brief survey, 5 – 10 minutes, would be greatly appreciated. Link to survey The survey covers responsibility for data, code and Ms. sharing, quality assurance practices and training. It seeks the views of all stakeholders, including: researchers, publishers, private…