Scott Parker American University, Washington, DC Lorraine was a longstanding and dedicated member of the ISP, and was a member of the Executive Board in 1996 and 1997. Born in Toronto, she…
Jacques Kornbrot 1938 -2014
To all my good friends in ISP, sad to inofrm you of death of Jacques on 6th Nov. He was my unfailing support in all my work for ISP, so any achievements…
Foundation of the society in Marseille, 1985
The first document of Fechner Day 1985, provided by Simon Grondin. [pdf][/pdf]
Letter to ISP
The Membership; ISP: As the oldest member (I conjecture), and least likely to be refused a hearing if only because of age, I tender the following suggestions to the ISP membership and…
Fechner Day 2014
Welcome to Lund for Fechner Day 2014, August 18-22. The ISP was hosted by Geoff Patching and colleagues. For details of the meeting please visit Fechner Day official website.
Proceedings of Fechner Day
The new proceedings of the 28th Annual meeting of the ISP is available here.
Fechner Day 2013
Fechner Day 2013 was held in Freiburg, Germany, on October 21-25, hosted by Dr. Jiří Wackermann and colleagues (IGPP, Empirical and analytical Psychophysics). For details of the meeting follow this link.
Fechner Day 2012
International Society for Psychophysics in Ottawa, Canada, October 18 – 21 2012. See detail here: Fechner Day official website.
Become a member
Welcome! Become a member of the International Society of Psychophysics and expand your network to a lively community of psychophysics.
Fechner Day Conferences
The International Society for Psychophysics holds its annual meetings, known as Fechner Day, to commemorate the inception of Psychophysics by Gustav-Theodor Fechner on October 22nd, 1850. To access information about the annual…